Group Buy Updates
Group Buys can often experience delays and setbacks, which is why here at Prototypist we want to be open with our customers and share an easy way to get live and up to date information for all Group Buys.
We've teamed up with Notion to create a series of calendars that are updated live with information as we get it from Manufacturers, Lead Vendors, Designers and others involved in the creation of our products. The first task on getting new information on any Group Buy is now for myself (Jae) and Mel to update the correct Notion entry with the latest changes. This way you can be sure you know everything when we know it, and can always check on the latest position at any time. Group Buys are added after their sale period ends, and once we have confirmation from the manufacturer that the production will start (usually signified by receiving an invoice).
To make this as easy as possible we've split this over a number of Notion calendars:
This covers all Keyboard Group Buys, and occasionally other smaller items such as Hiney PCB's etc.
GMK Sets
Whilst we sell a lot of Keysets, GMK is one of the most popular. Due to this demand, we gave GMK its own calendar.
Misc. Keysets
Any Keyset thats not GMK will be on this Calendar :)
All deskmat Group Buys will be here. Note - if a keyset has matching deskmats, check under the keyset as they are part of that project.
Whilst we tend to try and make sure switches are sold in stock where possible, we do run a few Group Buys for new switches with worldwide vendors. You can check the latest on these here.
Using Notion
Notion is a really powerful tool that we use internally to manage a lot of different projects. For updates is really simple. Browse to the category you need, and check for the product tile on the list. It shows the name and currently expected shipping date for customers at a glance.
Lets look at GMK Fundamentals as an example.
To find a product in the updates you can either scan manually through the listings or use the search function. To use the search function click on the Search icon on the top right and enter the name of the product you are looking for:
Now enter the name of the set you are looking for:
The set should show up pretty quickly. From this snapshot view you can see the product name and the approximate expected date that the product will ship to customers, as well as the phase of the project the product is in:
Here you can see that Fundamentals is expected to be shipped to customers in February 2022, and is currently in the manufacturing phase at the time of the screenshot.
To get more detailed information you can click on the tile to show a breakdown of the project. This may contain notes, or as the project gets further through manufacturing, a checklist:
At the time of screenshot Fundamentals deskmats had arrived, and been shipped for deskmat only orders. Rama's had not yet been received, and the Keyset itself is still in manufacturing.
If you are looking for an update and can't see any further information, it means we don't have any further information to share at the time. Asking for updates in these circumstances can make us less efficient or effective in other areas of the business. Please check back later on to see if there is any change to the listing on the Notion page - Remember, we update these FIRST, as soon as we get any new information or updates, or take any action so they are always as live and up to date as we can make them.
If you would like to see any of our Historic updates you can see these here:
If you notice any product missing, please let us know by email to Jae@prototypist.net.