(Group Buy) Hiney H87a
Closing Date: February 15th 2021
h87a - a fully-programmable PCB for custom a.87-layout tenkeyless (TKL) mechanical keyboards utilizing a USB Mini B connector.
At this point only normal thickness (1.6mm) is available.
The normal thickness (1.6mm) h87a is matte black with a matte black FR4 core.
There are two options - South and North spacebar. The South spacebar variant should fit most boards. The North variant is for boards with less internal clearance. If you are not sure which to get, please check the information in the compatibility chart.
This is a GROUP BUY - ETA for product shipment is late March, 2021. Please refer to the Group Buy and Sale Schedule for more info.
GB run date: Jan. 20, 2021 - Feb. 15, 2021
Designed by Hineybush
You can check Compatibility HERE
Please note- Prototypist can not guarantee that this PCB will fit in your case - even if listed as probable in the link above.
As this is a Group Buy there are no refunds available once the GB has closed. Please make sure you consider this before joining. This a pre-order for these PCBs. This PCB will be manufactured after the GB period. If you join this GB, you'll receive the PCB after production is completed in approximately 3 months.
Please do not add in-stock items, or items from other group buys to this order as it may delay your orders shipping till everything is available.